Sunday, October 30, 2022

Enter into His Presence with Peace of God's Presence

Another day, full of God's blessings of sun, nice weather with a calm breeze of God’s love and reminder, He hasn't or will NEVER leave our side each day or night.


Have you ever wondered

 how to have peace of mind

or peace and quiet within

 your daily life?


 I know this topic is hard to understand with God’s will, but He has provided me a way to help you understand better. Only way to have a peace of mind or have peace & quiet, is by taking quiet time with the Lord within your day. Meditate within God’s Holy Words, and allow the Holy Spirit to indwell within you richly, my Christian Brothers & Sisters of what He needs you to know & just be still within his Holiness.

Today, I woke up with noises around me & distractions, causing me to lose all of my peace of mind, the peace and quiet within my own mind, to where I became so full of frustration, aggravation, rudeness, and bad attitude towards my family to where I just didn't want to deal with anyone or anything around me (only one I wanted to talk with was my husband and God). All I wanted was to return  back to bed and return back to my restful sleep to wake up on a different day or with a new start to my day (it doesn't happen like this, does it?)

 Though I sat there in bed, in my own self-pity and frustration, I knew the only way to overcome them was to take a deep breath, let it go, and let God, help me through it all. I have peace of mind knowing God is in control of ALL things for my good. I will always have peace, also being still in God’s presence, because, I have my focus on the Prince of Peace and have blocked out ALL noises & distractions, that cause my frustration that Satan thinks he can attack me with.

God is the Master of my home, my heart, and my life. Where God is, there also will be peace of mind, and there our peace and learning how to be still within His presence.


Today, my fellow Christian Brothers & Sisters, instead of allowing Satan a foothold of your peace with distractions and unwanted loud noises, turn to the Prince of Peace for your peace of mind. Meditating with the Lord daily, allows us to give ALL control to God because, He has your best interest at heart.

Until the next blog…

God, bless and have a peaceful journey in His presence daily.

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