Sunday, October 30, 2022

True Love

Today has started with clear blue skies and a beautiful sunrise with beautiful weather to go along with it…couldn't be a much nicer day. However, it is a reminder that God loves us daily as He blesses us with this gift.

Do you ever feel like sometimes no one wants you


they are playing hard to get


 they say “love you” but, you wonder do they really mean

those words “love you “,

“love you with my whole heart”???


 I have questioned myself with those same questions, many times. Knowing that the love within my own heart is; honest, pure, and real for those around me to love, however, I wonder do those in my life really love me?

Sure, there are those who show their love towards me (within my family) however, I am NOT talking about them here. I am referring to those you are unsure about within your life because, you are so far away in distance, or they are locked away in jails or prisons for many years from their family and friends, or they may be serving our country’s freedom overseas unsure of when they will return home or they may live with you but it just seems like they are there in person with you but, their heart seems like million miles away from your heart.

Do you ever question,

 if these people in your life really love you,

 if it is honest, pure, and true?

We all need to remember that though, we question ourselves with these questions; daily, monthly, yearly, or whatever the case may be, of whether or not the other people within our own lives of love for us is; honestly, purely and real.


We must remember that God’s love is always;

 fair, just, unconditional, eternal, ours to have and keep.

His love never gives up or fails us, and always remains, faithful.

 The best part is this…we DON’T have to question God’s love for us because,

God sent His One and Only Beloved Son,

Jesus Christ, to die for us,

 for our sins.

So, whenever you feel like you don’t feel loved or wanted, remember that God created you out of His love for you to fulfill His purpose to share His love. God will ALWAYS love you no matter what because we are His Beloved Child.

God, bless you my friends in all you say & do,

 do it for His love, mercy, and glory!


Have a great blessed weekend!

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