Another work week as started for most of us…as you get up at the crack of dawn to get ready and begin your day…. you hurry around in the house, to get the kids up, or the dogs out and try hard to leave time for yourself to get ready for work, school or just your day ahead of you.
As you go about your morning…
do you ever just stop and pause for just a moment
to give thanks for all that
God has blessed you with that morning?
Just STOP & breathe God into your lungs.
He has blessed you with today &
smile as you embrace
His love & warmth
for you today.
Hold up…I have heard this statement before over and over, well… I don’t want to hear it from you, is what you are thinking, right?
I know when I read these statements before it was like…for real …I already know this. It’s common knowledge to give thanks & praise to the Lord for all, He has blessed me, daily & with each moment of the day. However, I ponder as well on these questions;
1.) Why do I keep seeing it repeatedly from different people or ministries?
2.) What is the message that God is speaking to me, with these continuously repeated words, from different people, ministries, and through other ways?
Friends, it’s simple really… God is saying to each one of us… STOP being such a Selfish BRAT! STOP being such a SELFISH know-it-all, all the time and start… let me say it again… START taking the time…YES, take the time to THANK me (God) every morning for waking you to approach the day of waking your family, of going to work to earn finances, to witness to others of my (God's) love for you, to allow me(God) to use you for MY* purpose for MY* glory.
[Geeze, sounds too hard to me so, I will just do
What I want every morning is what some
of you are probably thinking, right?
You are probably thinking…
'Guilty as charged'! ]
Friends, it isn’t really that hard to do, every morning. When you simply wake up in the morning…. all we have to do is open our mouths in praise that we are given a new day full of new beginnings, new starts, new clean slates to fill for Gods glory. All we have to do is open up God's Words for his daily instruction and give thanks for all that comes just like,
1 Thessalonians 5:18 says,
' Whatever happens, always be thankful.
This is how God wants you to live in Christ Jesus.'
However, it is up to us as individuals to open these pages and to read each page with meditation and focus on what the Lord needs us to apply into our minds, ways, attitudes, hearts, lifestyles daily.
Take Big Index cards and write down Bible verse that speak to your mind & heart, then, place them throughout your home as a daily reminder to give gratitude to the Lord for all, He has blessed you with daily.
Place them on your mirror in the bathroom, put them on the fridge with tape or a magnet, tape them to your dash of your car, or use them for bookmarks in your Bible or books you read.
Give God your FULL attention because
you already have HIS! It's simple!
JESUS has already gone ahead of us,
into ALL of our futures.
He will continue to walk
alongside us daily.
Thank you, Jesus for always walking with us, carrying us through the adversities & when we feel like we can't handle them anymore, you O Lord carry us through.
I pray for all these fellow friends today
who are reading this today. I pray that you will open their hearts
and minds to see who you really are and how important they are too you.
Lord, guide and direct each one of them for your purpose and glory.
Show us all the way to share your words that you have for us daily.
Watch over us all and keep us all safe in your
Almighty loving arms daily from evil, harm, and Satan’s attacks.
Lord, I pray that you will teach us all how to take the time out of our mornings
and each day to give you all the praise, honor, and glory,
for all the blessings you have bestowed upon us all daily because,
Lord, we don’t deserve anything you have given us
but, you have blessed us because, you love us with your everlasting love.
Thank you Lord for all you have done for each one of my friends.
Lord, go with us all through this week and lift up
each one that is in need of you more daily.
Provide for us all emotionally, spiritually,
financially, mentally, physically each day.
Thank you, Lord,! I give you all the honor, glory, and
praise this day and forevermore!
In Jesus name I pray, Amen
(* My- God’s purpose & glory)
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