Sunday, October 30, 2022

Jubilation in The Lord

Today is the Lord's day…let us rejoice in it and be glad!

    Gratitude (Thanks) …. doesn't seem like a word that seems like it is recognized enough in this world. We should be grateful for all God blesses us with daily…for EVERYTHING including our food, water, clothes, homes, cars…and just the little things in life like butterflies and the breeze that brushes across our faces and blows through our hair.

"My back hurts",

"my neck hurts",

 "my stomach hurts"


"I wish I had that truck or car",

"I wish I had hair just like that guy or gal"….

Does any of these sound familiar to you?! The list goes on and on with daily complaining becoming an all-time overrated thing that continuously is repeated by everyone.

Today, I heard a complaint from someone about their back hurting and I simply told them,

“You should be grateful that you were able to get up out of bed and walk today…

because there are some out there that can’t even walk


 bend or do anything that they can do.”

This person didn't say anything because it is the truth.

Folks, please, stop your complaining and start being grateful for the Almighty’s wake-up call today, for also allowing you to stand up. We should give Him glory. For allowing you to walk and leap for joy. For those of you who are not able to walk…you should be grateful as well, that you have a life that is worth living for God’s purpose to teach us to stop complaining because we could become just like you not able to walk or do anything that keeps us from doing what we should be enjoying every day.

Today my friends enjoy every moment of your day. As a reminder, please, stop complaining about how rough things are today…live out today for God’s glory, lifting up our hands in praise to Him for getting you up today! I know I am grateful today for a lot of things that God has given me.

Have a great day, my fellow Friends, and lift your gratitude to the Lord today and be grateful for what you have, what you have been given and so much more.


Here’s my question today;

What are you grateful for the most?


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