Halloween… what is Halloween to you?
Well, people who are unbelievers believe that is a wonderful fun-filled day of demons, costumes, candy, trick or treating, scaring people, hurting people, being foolish and getting by with it, harming others, some believe its a day to worship Satan & his evil cults & what he has created to be pleasured by within this world we live by as false teachings.
However, Christians (Christ followers) believe that participating in this Satan-filled ritual (aka Halloween or Hallows Eve) is a form of involvement in the worthless deeds of all evil & darkness that Satan creates within false pretensions within our world we live in & by daily, which however is stated within God’s Holy Words of TRUTH that it is forbidden in Scriptures that is God-breathed as 2 Timothy 3:16-17 states so, we as Christ followers know of the TRUTH that sets us free from the world of sin that Satan keeps corrupting within unbelievers of Christ.
It is forbidden to partake in the evil desires of Satan nature-filled holiday events however, we as Christians are Saints of Christ called to this Battlefield of war on our knees to pray for ALL of our fellow brothers & sisters as followers & Saints to follow Christ’s leading example on this day & to kneel before the cross in prayer with us in this battlefield to lift our voices & cries to God for all unbelievers to cast their focus & trust in Christ instead of Satan's lie-identities that they believe about themselves & about this hallow’s eve of evil filledness.
Remember who YOU are in Christ, my Fellow Brothers & Sisters in Christ for you are God’s children. We are ALL His chosen & loved for His identity….all you have to do is seek Him & believe who YOU are in Christ daily.
We need to teach our young children as God has called you as parents to, to show them the evil truths of this corrupted-filled world & start teaching them the REAL TRUTH found in Christ & why Halloween is so full of evil & why we Christians DO NOT partake in its rituals on this day.
Don’t get me wrong, I love eating candy & seeing the cute costumes that some of the children wear& I support the trunk or treats at churches & the fun activities that keep our children safe from these evil rituals to harm them which are okay…. but, all other things that pertain in evil customs, & rituals like; haunted houses, tombstones, zombies, monsters, ghosts, ways of scaring people with evil spirits, demons, cults, witches, evil idols, dressing as demons & of Satanic characters, bloody looking creatures or having blood to scare someone & all of the evil ritual ways that are of Satan are of this world & NOT of Christ so, I chose NOT to follow Satan & his demons & rituals. I chose to FOLLOW Christ who sets me free as He has called me as a Saint of Christ to be His witness to see the Truth of Satan & his rituals in this world with Halloween & to share a caution & warning to all Fellow Brothers & Sisters (Saints of Christ) before yourselves & your families & friends.
God will NOT force His way into your lives individually. He grants you that FREE WILL to choose; FREE GIFT OF GOD of forgiveness & eternal life of EVERLASTING love, peace, joy, & truth with ONLY Him or Live in the Lake of Fire of Hell which has demons, evil spirits, cults, dragons, & all evil that Satan has of lies, destruction, hot, fire, gods, idols, lies & all that destroys that is NOT love, peace truth, & forgiveness…. Hell holds lies, pornography, idols, gods, wickedness, Satan & others that are demons that work for him who DO NOT believe in Christ who has come to save YOU by dying on the cross for your sins & all you have to do is take this FREE GIFT, He has to offer but, only YOU can accept him by taking His hand & surrendering it all to Him.
Step out in Faith & put your trust in Him today & recognize Christ, so, He can do great things through you & for you.
If you need prayers or a Christian sister to chat with please feel free to comment below.
Please share with friends & family & be a witness for Christ & let them know that Halloween is NOT for us Christ followers.
God bless you all.